I.D. cards for retired D.O.D. civilians

17 years 8 months ago #979 by stnb4ever
dear Glenn,
I did not come to this site to make enimies. We both spoke our minds, as you said, the right you and many other faught and died for, THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!! I hope we may move on from here. I do not expect us to be friends, but perhaps we can just agree to disagree. I personally try not to visit busy campsites for two reasons, 1. I would not like to keep a military man or woman and his family from using the same site during their limited time together and 2. I prefer the less crowded campgrounds because it feels more personal and I find meeting people there a whole lot easier. Please be safe out there. Happy motoring, be safe :)

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17 years 8 months ago #980 by monkey44
Glenn Quote: "... but when it comes to assigning access to groups I would much rather see the space go to a retired trooper."

Once more for then this one's a dead horse --

That's a correct statement Glenn, the DOD is last in line priority for the campsites -- which means, if any sites are open, they pay (and higher fees) and help the CG with it's over-head. CG Priority is always military first, as it should be ... that's it for me ... M44

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17 years 8 months ago #1026 by monkey44
Good idea -- this one got so far off-topic we can't even find the original question any more.

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17 years 8 months ago #1036 by stnb4ever
You have some excellant points and while monkey44 is right that this topic has gotten way off point, it looks to have really gotten to the heart of a different matter. The complete revamping and expantion of the campgrounds accross the U.S. on a large scale seems imposible. But what if we took it one campground at a time? What I mean is, what if all of us who are still anchored at a base(by that I mean far from retiring) took it upon ourselves to start pushing for our local campground to be revamped and expanded if needed. I will probually never stay at the local base campground, but if I could push for it to be fixed up and expanded then it would benefit others who do want to use it, much in the same way as I would benefit from another campground someone else has pushed to be fixed up and expanded. I admit that I do not know all the procedures to follow to get this done, however I am sure that I could manage to cut through the tape and at least see where it takes me. We could even start a thread where we could compare what works and what doesn't so we could help to lead each other in the right direction. I think that there are enough people on this great website that Larry has made for us that they would eventually have to listen and at least expand the campgrounds, if not fix them up as well. If we were all to pull together and let them know what we thought, perhaps they would see that their is enough revenue in these campgrounds that it would eventually pay for itself while also generating extra revenue. I know we all know what happens at the end of the physical year. Perhaps it will take several years to complete each campground, but even that would be beter then nothing. I think that this may be the same idea Glenn has with his "Telling them we are valuable" thread, I do not know for sure. Just thought I would add my input into this also. Perhaps this has been tried before, I dont know, but it may just work, pehaps I am NUTS. Local voices for local bases. What do you all think???

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17 years 8 months ago #1037 by fiatspider79

I think Monkey hit it on the head, this string has about run out its life. Go ahead and start another string with your idea. I like it, so let's find out what is wrong with it.


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17 years 1 month ago #2283 by FastEagle
I don't recall any base that allows retired DOD personnel to use campgrounds. Usually only active DOD employees are allowed access to MWR facilities and only at the bases in the vicinity of their employment. Same with NAF employees.


2003 Everest 363K 38' 14K
2004 Dodge 3500 STL-DRW-QC-LB-2WD-4.10-AUTO-CTD
USN Retired - PDRL
DOD Retired - Aircraft Mechanic
Part Timers with sticks in SC

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