Review Detail

3.3 41
Michigan 72850
Summer 2018
Overall rating
Overall Experience
2018 was our 2nd stay at Camp Grayling RV Park. The facility isn’t a U.S. military facility; it is a Michigan Army Nation Guard camp. As compared to 2017, the facility obviously hasn’t had any upgrades or care since the close of last season; perhaps due to funding or lack of concern. The bathrooms are in need of care and maintenance; often out of paper towels and toilet paper. All the sites, other than the big rig row are very “tight,” campers on adjoining sites will be less than 10 feet away. The electrical capacity is overmatched by the amount of draw during high temperature days and brownouts and/or low voltage can be normal. Also there is a very limited number of 50a sites. There are many trees which make parking large RVs a challenge and due to the crowding and lack of adequate parking facilities, getting out can be as challenging as getting in. Also, the abundance of trees keep vehicles coated with pollen and limbs (hopefully nothing large) falling on the RVs all the time when the wind blows. The park has no laundry facilities and there are none available on the camp. Grayling is about 5 miles away and has at least one laundromat. It is a great value for the “seasonal” camper, for the short to intermediate stay camper it is nothing to rave about. It serves its purpose of providing National Guard personnel a place to park their RVs while on summer camp drills; that seems the only imperative. The park hosts are cordial enough but poorly motivated to keep the camping areas maintained; the “it is what it is mentality prevails.” 
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