Cool Military Photographs

An assortment of great military photos.

2023 Army Base Renaming

Power Point showing new names for some Army bases, effective early 2023.

2023 Army Base Renaming Chart

Graphic representation of the 2023 Army installation renaming.

AFI 34-110

Air Force Instruction on Outdoor Recreation Programs and Procedures.

Army Geotagging Safety Brochure

Brochure on Geotagging Safety from the U.S. Army.

Army Regulation 215-1

US Army Regulation on Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs

Boondocking Guide

A very inclusive guide on how to boondock (dry camp) for an extended period of time. Includes several references of good sources of information.


Navy manual for the Operation of Morale, Welfare and Recreation.

Camping Checklist

Detailed checklist of items to pack for camping trips. Provided by and permission granted to publish provided by the author.

Coast Guard COMDTINST M1710.13D - Coast Guard Morale, Well-Being, and Recreation Manual

Coast Guard Command Instruction M1710.13D - Coast Guard Morale, Well-Being, and Recreation Manual


Coast Guard COMMANDANT INSTRUCTION 1710.13E - Moreale, Welfare, and Recreation Instruction.

Directory of Canadian Military Campgrounds and RV Parks

Voyage - directory of Canadian military outdoor recreation area.

Disabled Vets Availability Letter

FAQ letter on Disabled Veterans accessing Commissary, Exchanges, and MWR facilities.

DoD Access Policies on Retired DoD ID Cards

DoD Memorandums on retired DoD Civilan ID cards. Article includes the old and new policies.

DOD Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs

Department of Defense Instruction 1015-10 on operating Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs .

Expanded Access Fact Sheet

Fact sheet on new access policy for eligibity with the Purple Heart and Disabled Veterans Equal Access Act of 2018.

Implementation of the Purple Heart and Disabled Veteran Equal Access Act of 2018 —FAQs

FAQ on accessing US Military Facilities when you don't have a military ID card. This FAQ is for the Implementation of the Purple Heart and Disabled Veteran Equal Access Act of 2018.

Meal Planner and Shopping List

A quick form to plan meals and create a shopping list. Provided by, and published with permission of author.

Military Campgrounds Printed Listing

This is the "official" listing of Military Campgrounds and RV Parks published by the DOD. However, it is incomplete and a bit outdated.

Point Paper - Restricted Access for Retired DoD Civilians

Point paper converning the new ID requirements for retired DoD civilians. Article provided by Randy Scott.

Cron Job Starts