Review Detail

4.1 129
California 119277
April 16 - May 7 2018
Overall rating
Overall Experience
We were on our way to Alaska and I had an appointment at David Grant Medical Center so this was an ideal place to spend 10 days waiting for my appointment. We arrived without a reservation although I placed several phone calls and left messages. We were able to get a site and chose site #1 since we could stay the 10 days we needed. My wife ended up in ICU at David Grant and was subsequently transferred to California Pacific Medical Center. Stephanie worked with us to get us extended but we had to move to site #6. Stephanie also volunteered to walk our little dog since I am spending my days at the hospital. GREAT hospitality. Now the bad. The trees lining the drive need to be observed closely. See photo. Site #6 is horrendous to attempt to back into. There is a metal grate protecting the gas pipes directly in front of the site (across the road) that you need to be aware of if you are backing a 5th wheel in. I don't agree with the pet/no pet segregation and it has been addressed in previous posts. And there is a disparity between the upkeep between the two areas.
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