Review Detail

3.8 49
Tennessee 125953
Sept 2014
Overall rating
Overall Experience
I am at a loss to explain the high ratings at this RV park from other reviewers - the place is a dump! Management involvement is essentially zero, the sites are very short, and VERY un-level, the park is laid-out in a very haphazard manner, and there is junk everywhere (including two abandoned "blueboy" portable sewage tanks). One of the two worst-looking RV parks in the Air Force system! We stayed at this park about 4 years ago, and were very disappointed, so I stopped by the office (off-site, mind you) and spent some time with the NCOIC explaining issues like the need and reason for sites to be level, the need for longer sites, the need to trim/remove trees to allow easier (& safer!) access to sites, the need to flatten access to sites so rigs would not bottom-out getting in or out, the horrendous condition of the laundry facility, and more. This week, we decided to stay again to see what improvements were made - and we saw ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGES AT ALL!!! I will NEVER use this place again, and I strongly advise everyone NOT to make a reservation or check into this park unless you personally drive into the park to see if your camper will work in ANY of these sites. Yes, it's cheap - and not worth it! It is really a shame that Services Management has so completely failed at this location, over such an extended period of time, because the location COULD BE absolutely beautiful with just minimal, basic attention from management. For example, there is a pile of gravel on the site, which could be used to level some of the sites, but nothing has been done to apply the gravel to level up the sites! Additionally, there is a large propane tank situated in the middle of the park, with big "No Smoking!" Signs on the tank. Just a few feet away, on either side of this tank, are two campsites, each with large campfire pits! THIS IS A SERIOUS SAFETY HAZARD!!! Wake up, folks! I challenge the Chief of Services to rent a camper from Outdoor Rec and spend a weekend in his RV park! And, I challenge the base commander to drive through this dump and look around! Then, FIX IT or close it - it is an embarrassment to your base!
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