Review Detail

4.0 21
Oklahoma 49843
Jul 1, 2019 - Jan 4, 2020
Overall rating
Overall Experience
TERRIBLE!! Stayed here for 6 months. There is no monthly rate and charge is $17 a day, the equals out to over $500 a month. They packed 13 slots into a space that is smaller than a fast food parking lot. You walk out the front of your RV and 10 feet in front of you is the sewer dump from your neighbor. The picnic table is 15’ from the neighbors sewer dump along with the grill. There is no quick access to a Tornado Shelter. You must drive to the closest shelter. No shade and an unmaintained road. When I requested a lower cost since the electric cost nothing to the base and neither does the water, they said they will not change the price. I was told that they have to pay for the WiFi so that is in no way worth the cost. The FAMCamp here gets over $5000 from renters a month and they use the money to offset other base facilities like the pool, bowling ally and theater. They refuse to reinvest into the shoebox size fam camp in anyway. You don’t even get free access to these other facilities that you are helping pay for. You are 100 yards from the front gate and less than a 1/4 mile to the base gun range. Guess what when they do a 2300 night shoot you get to hear it all night. The current commander of the FSS and the prior have been rude and seem to be happy taking advantage of those at the FAMCamp instead of taking care of them, even after an IG complaint. I would highly encourage you to look elsewhere in the Altus area! There are less expensive more friendly camps that offer just as much!!
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January 23, 2020
Six months of being miserable must have been really hard on your psyche. Shoulda voted with your steering wheel and left.
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