Review Detail

3.5 23
North Dakota 45991
August 2007
Overall rating
Overall Experience
The park (and the base, for that matter) are in an out of the way location and not conducive to overnights unless, like us, you happen to be traveling across North Dakota on US 2. The main gate is called the "Magic City" gate and there is nothing on the signs that indicate that "Magic City Gate" IS the main gate. It is the second gate you come to if you are traveling north on US 83 off US-2. However, the traffic lanes are large enough to handle a large RV with no problems. We arrived early on a Saturday afternoon and discovered that four of the available sites had cars parked in them. There was an event taking place in the park and apparently some of the attendees had decided that the vacant spots made good parking places. There were no signs indicating that the spots were reserved for campers, which might have helped. There was one spot that didn't have a car parked in it and we backed into it with some difficulty. The "road" out front is very narrow and the light poles can present problems. Once we hooked up we discovered that the water pipe had an underground leak, so we ended up having to fill our tank and use our pump--not a major problem but we would not have chosen this site if we had been aware of this problem before hand. There is no place to register on a weekend. The sign on the Outdoor Recreation office informs you that you need to come back "during normal business hours." There is no way to do a night registration and since we were leaving early on Sunday morning we ended up sending a check to them for what we hope is the correct amount (based on the information we had.) Other than that it was a nice, quiet site (once the activity at the park had ended) and we spent a pleasant night there. It was just frustrating to have so much trouble backing into the one site that was available because cars (not RVs) were parked on the other spaces. The commissary was nice, but we never did find the exchange--unless it was the "mini-mall" that we saw. Everyone we did meet (including the gate guards) were very friendly.
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