Review Detail

4.6 97
Georgia 147757
April 2007
Overall rating
Overall Experience
This is a beautiful campground. The sites are large, level, and have excellent hook ups. However, it has some downsides that you should be aware of. The following comments are offered as information, not complaint. First of all, it is a long ways from the CG to any base services (hospital, PX, Commissary) and any community services (e.g. shopping.) If you want to go any place, you will have to drive a minimum of 8 miles--the distance to the commissary/exchange complex. Cell phone coverage is weak and the large number of trees rendered our satellite useless. There are sites where one could get a satellite signal, but they are few and far between. Our Internet connection (through Verizon Broadband) was spotty and slow at best, when it was even available. Of course, there were also frequent over flights of large military aircraft (there is a parachute drop zone close by), but to us retirees that's the "sound of freedom" and we didn't mind it. There were no night drops while we were there. The park does not enforce its pet rules (there were several dogs tied outside the rigs while we were there, and at least two of them were "barkers" who disturbed other campers.) Given how long it looked like they had been there (kennels on the site) there was little evidence that management objected. There is still evidence of "homesteading" which is technically not allowed. The problem is worse at the back of the CG, less noticeable in the front areas. The park was very busy when we were there, due in part to it being spring break and Easter weekend. Unlike many other military campgrounds, there were a lot of families using the park--it was good to see youngsters being exposed to the camping experience--and the ones we had contact with were well behaved. However, if the sounds of children playing and riding bicycles around bothers you, this isn't the place for you. Hope this is helpful.
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