Review Detail

4.0 140
Florida 209794
Mar 10-13, 2018
Overall rating
Overall Experience
I was debating north or south from Fort Lauderdale after a visit with my son. The coin landed heads and north to Manatee Cove over NASKW. Wish I'd have gone south just because weather was meh. For the record, I'm a tent camper and really would prefer electricity at my site because I occasionally need a heater or fan to ameliorate some weather factors and I like keeping my phone and laptop functioning. Military famcamps seem to discriminate against tent campers by relegating us to the back 40 well away from the main services offered to folks in the mega-wheeled mansions. Heck, it's even written into the camp regs that tents are not allowed on serviced sites. Why? I served the same career time as those who'd rather live in a mobile home. On to the review - the tent area at Manatee was destroyed by Irma and has not been touched since. It was bulldozed level and left to rot. A temporary location was set up across the road with picnic tables denoting sites, but the old side has not been marked off limits. How do I know this? I set up on the one remaining MARKED site in the old area and was asked to move shortly after arrival. Hmmm, signage sure would help and so would a desk clerk pointing it out. The camp host was polite about it, but did insist I move ASAP as I stood there with dinner in my hands. I politely insisted I would as soon as the food was gone. :) I ate first, then moved. The shower facilities were excellent and the dog run area was a bonus for my lil mutt to play off leash. He loved it. I left a day early for home due to rain and wind. The views were fantastic and I'd love to enjoy it in better weather. I'll be back. Three stars for lack of motivation on getting the tent campground up and running again. It wouldn't take much to add an electrical outlet at each site while they're working over there.
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