Review Detail

4.5 156
Colorado 177341
Aug 16, 2017
Overall rating
Overall Experience
The best thing about this famcamp is that the sites are far enough apart to offer good privacy. The staff is friendly and Colorado Springs has amazing weather in the summer! The negatives is that there is no wifi at the sites. We had to rent a router from the office, $25.00 for a week. Ok and for the absolute worst thing about this famcamp, through no control of their own, is the train noise. I am use trains going by and I even like the sound if it's far enough away, it can be soothing at the right noise level. I don't know where the train tracks are but it wakes me out of a deep sleep to the point that I am startled. It sounds like it is literally right next door and they blow the horn several times a night as they pass the crossing. If you are a light sleeper might want to re-consider this famcamp. I would stay again because military famcamps are less expensive that regular RV parks. I would have rated it five stars had it not been for the wifi and the darn trains!!!!
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