Review Detail

3.4 50
California 75527
Nov 2015-Mar 2016
Overall rating
Overall Experience
I read about March FamCamp often and most folks give it low marks. It is what it is and if you play by the rules you may appear to be a homesteader. We have been in the same spot on a 2 week renewal since we arrived in November so we could be a " Homesteader". They offer a monthly rate of $16 times number of days in the month but it is limited to 10 rigs and have a waiting list. We just paid for Feb on this schedule but will leave in late March so we will go back to the 2 week schedule soon. Renewal is all a matter of timing. This place is most busy during the summer, on the weekends and during UTA weeks. If you are unhappy about the space you are in you can move to a better one just let the office know your intentions. True it needs work but like any project it takes planning, money and good priority status. Having talked to the higher ups over my times here  I have learned that  this place is low on all the priority lists but the management is always fighting for money. Henry is the normal office person during the week, is quite knowledgeable and very helpful. True the Wi-Fi system needs work like more boosters in the west end of the park but again money and priority prevail. Right now a new PAX terminal is being built across the street plus the old tower building grounds is having some work done.
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