Review Detail

4.5 201
Arizona 186688
July - August 2019
Overall rating
Overall Experience
We used to love this Famcamp. Those who pass through here frequently will notice a big difference. The employees in the office are young and always on their cellphones - or making out with their boyfriend over the counter. Have a question? They don't know the answer and don't care to find out. They do not replenish the coffee machine that is available for campers and shrug their shoulders when you ask when it will be refilled. The ice machine was not working when we left and the internet had been down for over a week and we were told in the office that FamCamp is last on the list of priorities for the base commander, though we were also told the base commander talked about "milking the cash cow" that is the Famcamp. The pool has very limited hours, even in the summer. The Wilmot gate has very restricted hours more so now than before. No one is available for emergencies on the weekend, so if something goes wrong (like the ice machine being broken), well, tough luck. We have been coming here since 2009 and this is the worst customer service we have ever experienced. Many base FamCamps are getting better and better while this one is going downhill. We finally decided to move to an RV resort on the west end of Tucson - cheaper, better amenities (pool, 2 gyms, laundry rooms with 20 washers and dryers) and fast, working wifi and $150/month less than the Famcamp. Such a shame, this used to be a great place to visit.
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August 14, 2019
Agreed. We saw campers that usually are in the low end commercial campgrounds where workers live. Was told these were contractors. Also agree on the young people holding down positions in the office and not caring.

We will also be looking elsewhere next time through Tucson. Pathetic what has happened to the Fam Camp as we and most everyone else used to enjoy DM.

August 27, 2019
Similar experience ... once the Senior Volunteers leave for the season, services degrade. Noticed the long term residents are allowed to “decorate”, Bend the rules, and store miscellaneous items creating an eye sore. The operation needs to be tightened up, it appears to be on life support as far as local leadership is concerned. Too bad ... minor annual improvements to FamCamp probably won’t break the budget.
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