Welcome to the U.S. Military Campgrounds and RV Parks Website!

We're glad you decided to join us! 

This website is based on the principle that we can accomplish more working together. With website users submitting updated information on our military recreation areas, we'll always have the most CURRENT and COMPLETE information available. If you find any information listed here that's outdated or missing, please send us an update. You can find the "SUBMIT CG UPDATE" and "SUBMIT CG PHOTOS" options under the CAMPGROUND menu item and at the top of the campground informational pages.

Another feature of the website are the ratings and reviews left by visitors of our military recreational areas. Please take a few moments and leave a rating and review on all of the military campgrounds, RV Parks, and vacation rentals you visit.

Finally, while browsing around the website, take a few moments to investigate the discussion FORUMS. We have a lively group there discussing a variety of topics. Feel free to join in, asnwer someone elses question, or ask your own.

I've strived to keep this website open to users free of charge. To help support the operation of the website, I provide the U.S. Military Campgrounds Directory. You can learn all about this Windows software and download a free 7-day trial by clicking on the banner graphic below and on the home page.

Support This Website 

For only $10.95 for the download shareware version or $16.95 for the retail CD-Rom version, you get the U.S. Military Campgrounds Directory (with monthly updates) for your computer AND will be supporting the website.

P.S. You'll only get this message once since it's your first visit after becoming a registered member. Welcome!

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